ACX 璟德电子工业股份有限公司成立于1998年,国内第一家利用低温共烧陶瓷 (LTCC) 技术研发与制造无线通信组件与模块。
至今ACX 璟德是全台湾第一大,也是唯一材料与电路设计、制造皆自主的无线通信高频整合组件专业厂。
ACX 璟德研发方面已取得数项我国及美国专利。
ACX 璟德营业绩效年年创新高,于2004年上兴柜。
ACX was founded in 1998, and has grown rapidly to be a preferred supplier of RF front-end devices and modules.
ACX manufactures multilayer devices of Low-Temperature Cofired Ceramics (LTCC) for applications in wireless communication. Our commitment is to meet your goals through extensive technological innovation, excellent quality, short lead time and high volume production capability.